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Use 'Survey' to Quickly and Easily Collect Feedback from Fans

What’s the most important thing about having a space for fans? When it comes down to it, it's all about listening to what fans want — their voices. While this can be done by creating a community or through direct messages, in many cases, fan surveys offer an even more effective way to gauge fans' opinions.
Whereas before, b.stage owners conducted surveys with fans using outside solutions, now, with survey support built right in, bemyfriends’ all-in-one solution offers all the functions owners need to collect fans’ opinions. When you want to know how fans are using your platform, what they like, what needs to be improved, how they’re engaging with promotions, or what kinds of goods they want, try creating a survey with b.stage. With b.stage surveys, you won't need to move fans to another platform to collect their opinions. This can prevent fans from leaving and increase engagement with your b.stage.
All you need is your own b.stage platform.

Introducing b.stage Survey!
b.stage survey: “I like this"

Now, you can create your own survey in b.stage without relying on any other forms. Fans who take part can do so directly through your b.stage without having to move to another site.

When a b.stage owner adds a survey, they can cater to their multinational fans by entering survey details in multiple languages from the beginning. Owners can add support for up to five languages including Korean, Spanish, English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. This makes it easy for global fans to participate in surveys right away while ensuring that they won’t have to leave b.stage or translate text.
Multilingual functions like this can be of great help to b.stage owners who are building global fandom businesses.

With an easy-to-understand user screen and setup process, creating surveys couldn’t be easier.

If you register a survey, you can make fans aware of it through email or push notifications in the b.stage app. Fans can participate in surveys quickly and easily using the b.stage app or their PC.
b.stage makes it easy for owners to view survey results, which they can use to get a clearer sense of fans' preferences and opinions.

How to Use b.stage Survey?
Try using b.stage survey like this!
  • "What would be a good name for my new fan page?" (Listen to your fans.)
  • "I want to create a shop to sell merch, so I want to know how much demand there will be.” (Ask members.)
  • "What should I eat today?" (When making small talk with fans before creating content.)

b.stage Survey - How to Get Started?
STEP 1. Getting started
From the Administrator page, head to [PRODUCTS] → [SURVEY] → [ADD] to create a survey.

This is an example of the page fans will see before participating in a survey. It’s displayed in b.stage’s Content tab.
Before launching your survey, add a brief description to let fans know what it’s about. Try making it fun to encourage fans to participate.
Multilingual settings are also available here.

STEP 2. Adding questions

Fill out your survey while dividing it into pages. You can choose to add either multiple choice (respondents choose one or multiple answers) or short answer questions.

STEP 3. Participation Conditions

b.stage platforms that feature memberships restrict certain posts to members only. This goes for surveys, too.
Are there any questions or information you’d like to share only with members? Surveys’ participation conditions make it easy to do so.

STEP 4. Settings

While editing the following settings is not required, they can be used to extract more details from surveys.
  • Basic: Set up thumbnails to appear when you share a survey link in a chat room or on social media. Using the tag, you can search some keywords and collect the posts in the [CONTENT] and [COMMUNITY] tabs with the same tag. 
  • Progress & Exposure: Choose the dates when you want your survey to start and end.
  • Responses: Choose whether you want to allow survey respondents to view participation or modify their answers.
  • Result Exposure: Choose how survey information is exposed.

b.stage survey was created after collecting the opinions of platform owners.
We hope they offer you another important channel for communicating with fans on a deeper level. Look out for more exciting updates on this evolving feature.

We support the expansion of b.stage owners' fandom businesses.
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